“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well."
-Psalm 134:19
Sunday, January 19, following service
*Meetings Fluctuate month to month based on attendee availability and occur Sundays after Services during the winter months.

You're invited Sister! We are calling upon all women to get involved and help us elevate the Women’s Ministry work both in the church and out in the community, so we can better serve and meet the needs of more women. We are looking for your creativity, inspiration, ideas, and spiritual gifts as we approach the next chapter in Women’s Ministry.

From the start of the new year through December, Women's Ministry participants can join the Secret Sisters Program. Everyone is assigned a "Secret Sister" through random drawing and then both give and receive encouraging prayers or scriptural encouragement through uplifting cards. Secret Sisters celebrates sharing the joy and love of Jesus with one another. At the end of the program we will reveal our Secret Sisters!
Join the Women's Ministry team as we sing Christmas Carols and enjoy decorating a Christmas tree in the Sanctuary. Wear your favorite red and green garb, reindeer antlers or Christmas sweater to church to celebrate!
Throughout the month of July each year, we accept donations of unwrapped gifts for children in need (infants through 21 years old). We are unable to accept clothing, video games or used items.
Donations are gifted to local programs that serve children and families in need. This year donations will be given to Child & Youth Services of Washington.
Throughout the month of July each year, we accept donations of unwrapped gifts for children in need (infants through 21 years old). We are unable to accept clothing, video games or used items.
Donations are gifted to local programs that serve children and families in need. This year donations will be given to Child & Youth Services of Washington.
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said:
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
Acts 20:35
Ministry Coordinator
Shelley Heinlein, Chair: svhhcs@icloud.com
The Women’s Ministry would like to know how we can better service the women of Hickory UEP Church and the community. We also are open to what you want to see happen with this Ministry. Please contact Cindy directly with any suggestions, feedback or ideas.
Shelley Heinlein, Chair: svhhcs@icloud.com
The Women’s Ministry would like to know how we can better service the women of Hickory UEP Church and the community. We also are open to what you want to see happen with this Ministry. Please contact Cindy directly with any suggestions, feedback or ideas.